Friday, April 13, 2007

Sabean in a Velvet Fog

Smooth, urbane, cross between New York smart and Soprano tough guy, Brian Sabean sounds terrific on the radio. CBS may want to seek out the Giants' GM as replacement for Imus, and, for his part, Sabean should jump at the chance to work at something he can handle.

We're reminded (every day on the orange-and-black-licking KNBR) that Sabean brought the Giants winning ways for ever so many years. Nah, that's Balco, and the schtick is both over done and wrong.

On the field, amidst the old, the tired, the inept, and the first-base clogged bench, it's there for everyone to see: the team that Brian destroyed.

There is no offense in Mudville, and it's worse down on the farm.

Raise Cain, pay Zito, and pray for three other guys not to stink from the mound, but it makes NO DIFFERENCE; this team can't win, for now and for the foreseeable future.

Frandsen sent down, again. Four first baseman. Aurelia called "Richie." Pedro Feliz, turning 40 and still looking for a strike. Todd Linden. And Barry.

What happened to this year's pot of money that would help rebuild the team? Squandered.

Has anything happened in the past decade to strengthen this team's farm system. No.

Brian, take the Imus job if offered. Let CBS figure out how to market another fraud.


At 10:16 PM, Blogger lefty said...

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At 10:17 PM, Blogger lefty said...

Never know when you will need that 4th first baseman.

Maybe Sabean is trying to boost the trade value for Sweeney - package Mark with Tim Lincecum for Richie Sexson, and let the whiffs blow the fog from the pacific belle.

At 4:35 PM, Blogger Bob Rossi said...

Yeah, Sweeney and Lincecum for Sexson; that's got Sabean written all over it.

At the same time, maybe the Fog trades Eliezer Alfonzo for Jorge Julio, just so he can have two non-closers...

Again, two better than one, and Alfonzo is just too young.


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